
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cranes and Derricks in Construction Final Rule 29 CFR Part 1926

How does the new standard differ from the old standard it replaces? Most requirements of the prior OSHA standard for cranes and derricks used in construction work (29 CFR 1926.550) incorporated requirements of certain pre-1970 national consensus standards.  This standard sets forth most of its requirements in the text of the standard and incorporates national consensus standards by reference in only a few locations.  In addition, this new standard includes a number of new provisions designed to improve safety.  Several significant changes are:
  • Effective November 10, 2014, most operators must be formally qualified or certified.
  • New requirements during assembly and dis-assembly will protect workers from being struck or crushed by unanticipated movement of crane components and will ensure that equipment is properly assembled.3
  • New requirements are included for maintaining sufficient clearance distances from power lines and protecting against electrocution hazards.
  • New requirements for pre-erection inspection of tower cranes, use of synthetic slings during climbing of tower cranes and other assembly activities, and use of qualified riggers for those activities, will ensure the structural stability of such equipment.
  • The new standard covers equipment (such as floating cranes) that was subject to very few requirements in the prior standard because the prior standard did not incorporate national consensus standards applicable to such equipment.  It also covers equipment (such as dedicated pile drivers) that was not subject to the prior standard at all.


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1 comment:

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